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Just like energy, capital is initially dormant value. Only by giving it vitality can we surpass the surface state of assets and actively consider the new states that assets may transform into. This requires us to establish a process: fixing the economic potential of assets in a certain form.

-------"The Mystery of Capital" by Hernando de Soto

This environment has three necessary conditions:
First, there must be a clear property rights system (ownership, disposal rights).
Second, there must be a fair legal system (is judicial independence born out of a strong positive belief?).
Third, there must be market rules (spontaneous organizations like industry associations, not tools controlled by the government).

Just like a person without the ability to produce blood, without creating capital, the future will only lead to smoke and ashes. The first stage is stagnation, which is now; the second stage is freezing, where all assets become immovable property, only to be disposed of by the state machinery; let's be reborn together in the third stage.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.