

Hi,I'm a human,not a AI



前几日看了老高的节目 讲到 “太阳风暴毁灭卫星” 的时候,想到一个问题:文明的存储 正如歌词唱到 “等到一千年以后,早已没有我 “ 我给世界能留下什么?

1. 内容:一个文明发展肯定会留下数据,人类都传说之前地球🌍有很多代文明,消失后都没有留下任何 “存在”,任何一个文明都是有沟通的,除非是纯意识交流,不需要文字传阅但也需要一个数据库吧?是像现在区块链一样分布式部署在每个 “人” 的体内?

2. 保存:像是罗塞塔石碑这样能保存到现在的物品能够直观看到 ,死海古卷这样发现后也很难保存。



发散一下:现在我们用的石油是否可能是意识交流生物的 “尸体”,如果有正确读取的方式可以读取到他们文明的 “数据”?#

This is my first blog post, I have never written a blog before.

A few days ago, I watched a program by Lao Gao, who talked about how a solar storm could destroy satellites. This got me thinking about the preservation of civilization. As the lyrics of a song go, "After a thousand years, there won't be me anymore." So, it begs the question, what can I leave behind for the world?

1.Content: A civilization's development will undoubtedly leave behind data. According to legends, there were many previous civilizations on Earth that disappeared without leaving any trace of their existence. For any civilization to communicate, they would need a database, unless they purely communicate through consciousness without the need for written communication. Could it be distributed like blockchain is today, and deployed inside every individual's body for data storage and retrieval?

2.Preservation: Objects such as the Rosetta Stone can withstand the test of time and be directly observed today, while documents such as the Dead Sea Scrolls are difficult to preserve even after discovery.

The stone tablet is more tangible and durable, but there are still two issues to consider.

Firstly, whether the content can be interpreted and understood, and whether the language can be comprehended.
Secondly, whether the storage medium can be read. Even today, it is difficult to retrieve information from old storage media like floppy disks. The question remains whether SSDs from centuries later will still be readable.

Let's diverge a bit. Is it possible that the oil we currently use is the "corpse" of a consciousness-exchanging biological species, and that there may be a way to correctly interpret this substance to access their civilization's "data"?#

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.