

Hi,I'm a human,not a AI


其实从比特币带出区块链概念的时候在脑中就有一个朦胧的问题,从 IPFS 刚宣传的时候就逐渐清晰,有在考虑几个问题:

1. 人类这种积聚型社会会演变成去中心化社会么?
人类从远古捕猎形成社会就是聚集方式发展,基本上很难发展成去中心化分布式的社会结构,所以形成的组织自然是中心化的,很难成为分离式的,不管是组成形式还是途径。人类进入宇宙移民阶段有可能分隔成以星球为中心的 “去中心化” 社会结构么?,通过网络交换信息,其实本质还是中心化的。可能在所有同类型宇宙中都是趋向中心化的。

2. 现在的软硬件是真正的区块链和 Web3 么?

3. 去中心化有用么?
从政治方面讲有利于发展,但在其他 “技术层面” 没解决带来的困难之前基本上没什么用,个人认为‘中本聪’用比特币给世界介绍区块链是一个极品主意,既能让人理解区块链的概念,又能用金融手段快速有效的刺激人类传播接受,现在看还有能够快速实现这点也很重要。去中心化对于金融和政治都是 “致命” 重塑,大部分既得利益者会维护护城河,只有用时间磨去,要么人类快速进入某类新的组织形式,不得不用去中心化来运行社会。

从 Covid-19 以来世界见证了好多历史,但是还是有点感觉人类进化不快 XD

When the concept of blockchain was introduced with Bitcoin, I had a vague question in my mind. However, when IPFS was first introduced, my thoughts and understanding gradually became clearer. I am considering a few questions:

1.Will human society, which is based on aggregation, evolve into a decentralized society?
Historically, human society has developed through a process of aggregation since ancient hunting times, so it is difficult for it to develop into a decentralized and distributed social structure. Therefore, the organizations that form are naturally centralized and less likely to be decentralized, whether in terms of their composition or methods. As humans enter the space migration stage, is it possible for society to become "decentralized" with planets as their center? Although information exchange can occur through networks, it is still essentially centralized. It is likely that in all similar universes, the trend is towards centralization.

2.Are the current software and hardware truly blockchain and Web3?
I agree that hardware on its own is generally centralized, and there is a lot of surveillance on users. Even the so-called "decentralized" services that currently exist are deployed on centralized devices and systems, making it difficult to achieve true decentralization. Technology and organizational structure go hand-in-hand and are both essential for achieving decentralization. Thus, it can be argued that the current decentralized services are still in the initial stages of research and development, and significant work is still required to achieve true decentralization.

3.Is decentralization useful?
From a political perspective, decentralization can be beneficial for development. However, it may have limited usefulness if it fails to address challenges at the technical level. In my personal opinion, Satoshi Nakamoto's idea to introduce blockchain to the world through Bitcoin was a brilliant strategy, as it helped people understand the concept while also using financial incentives to quickly and effectively promote adoption. It's still important today to find ways to achieve this quickly.

Decentralization can be a "fatal" reshaping force for both finance and politics. Most vested interests will protect their territory, so it will take time to erode these defenses. Either humans can quickly enter a new form of organization or they will have to use decentralization to operate society.

Since Covid-19 hit, the world has witnessed many historic events. However, it still feels like human evolution is not accelerating as fast as it should.

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